Commercial EPC Reports In Aberdeen EPCs certify how energy efficient a property is by using a rating system from A-G, with A being the most efficient.
An EPC is derived from standard information regarding the energy efficiency levels and carbon emissions present in a building when checked against a comparative building.
A recommendation report is provided, specifying how improvements can be made which leads to upgrading the energy rating. A Commercial Energy Performance Certificate is valid for 10 years, or until a newer version is produced.
Who needs a Commercial EPC? If you�re looking to sell, rent or build a commercial property, then you�ll need a commercial EPC. There are exceptions to when an EPC is not required:
If a building is to be demolished. Temporary buildings with less than two years of usage. An entirely detached building with a total useful floor area of less than 50m2, and not a dwelling. Places of worship. Industrial sites, workshops and non-residential agricultural buildings with low energy demand. When is an EPC required? You must provide the EPC to a prospective tenant or buyer no later than the actual viewing and it must be included with any other written information provided. A penalty is incurred if you fail to make an EPC available to prospective tenants or buyers. The rate is 12.5% of the value of the property (minimum of �500 to a maximum of �5,000).
If the formula cannot be administered, the penalty is fixed at �750, with a requirement of purchasing an EPC thereafter.
What if I have a subdivided property? If a building is designed or altered for use as separate accommodation, each part may require its own EPC. A single or multiple EPC depends on the type of heating system in place or future plans for the property.
When you intend to sell or let a building in its entirety, an EPC for the entire building is mandatory. However, a separate heating system within the building requires an EPC for each individual area, including communal areas.
Should you propose to sell or let part of the building which shares a common heating system, you can request an EPC for the whole building or for each designated area (common areas can be ignored).
A building with separate parts and heating systems requires a single EPC for each part being offered for sale or let. For this purpose, you must also provide an EPC for the conditioned communal areas or request one for the whole building.
When a self-contained residential space is only accessed via the commercial premises, a domestic EPC will be required.